Balsamic Vinegar Tasting 1990
'Italy's Liquid Gold' International Wine and Food Society Tasting, 13 November 1990
First two are pasturized Commerciale 5 years old (Giacobazzi) Dense dark brown. Nose and taste reminiscent of HP sauce. Taste notes of fruit and apples. Commerciale 8 years old (Giacobazzi) Very dark black brown. More delicate nose. More fruity. Finer taste, fruitier. Tradizionale young. £7/l. Three years old blend of wine must and wine vinegar. Dense dark brown, but not black. Not sweet and artificial compared with the two commercial examples. More like wood aged vinegat with fruit character. Light. Tradizionale young. £16/l. Soft nose, caramel, wood. Soft, fruity, delicate, very drinkable. Medium, £65/litre. Deep dense brown. Cherries, soy sauce, sweet and fruity. Medium older £116/litre Deep dense brown. Pine-resin nose. Similar to madeira on palate. Extra Mature £212/litre. Dark brown. Honey and wood aromas. Palate, syrup and honey. Mature '6th barrel' £318/litre. Thick black vinegar. Not such a fruity nose. More delicate, wood, maple syrup aromas. Very rich, thick, syrupy - not vinegar.